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7 Natural Chest Infection Treatments (Home Remedies)

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Looking for Chest Infection Treatments? This video will teach you some of the best natural home remedies for chest and lung infections.
?Full Guide on Natural Chest Infection Treatments ? ? ?

Have you been experiencing shortness of breath, a persistent cough, yellow or green mucus, fatigue, achiness, and/or a fever? If so, then you may have been suffering from a chest infection. In this video, we’re going to cover some of the best natural methods for treating a chest infection that can help clear up your lungs and make breathing easier.

1. Lemon/Honey –
2. Humidification Therapy –
3. Ginger –
4. Essential Oils –

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?? 1. Try the Classic Lemon and Honey Solution
Sipping on a solution of lemon, honey, and warm water is a classic home remedy that is widely used across the world. It’s useful in alleviating sore throat symptoms that are caused by repeated coughing.

?? 2. Stay Hydrated
More than 70% of the human body is made up of water which is why it’s always important to stay hydrated — especially when a chest infection is present. Dehydration causes the mucus and secretions in the lungs to thicken up which makes it more difficult to cough them up for removal.

?? 3. Utilize Humidity and Steam Inhalation
One reason that symptoms get worse during a chest infection is because of dryness in the nasal passages. Humidity and steam inhalation is a great way to counter this and soothe the airways. A humidifier produces steam and disperses it throughout the room so that it can easily be inhaled into the airways which provides relief and helps loosen up secretions.

?? 4. Try Herbal Remedies from the Ginger Family
When it comes to food-based natural home remedies for a chest infection, ginger is a great one to consider. The roots of a ginger plant are widely used for food and natural medicinal purposes around the world.

?? 5. Use Natural Essential Oils
Using naturally extracted essential oils such as eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, and sandalwood can be effective methods of treating a chest infection. You can use these oils either by inhalation via diffusers, vaping, or by topical application in the form of natural vapor rub.

?? 6. Remove Mucus Through Postural Drainage
One of the most common problems that occur with a chest infection is the accumulation of mucus and phlegm in the chest and the airways, which can lead to shortness of breath, discomfort, and sometimes wheezing. The human body uses coughing as a natural mechanism to get rid of excess mucus. But sometimes, natural coughing is just not enough.

?? 7. Take Over-the-Counter Medications
Natural remedies are great, but if the symptoms are too severe or unbearable, this is when you can look into some over-the-counter medications that can help. They come in various forms such as vapor rubs, pain relievers, and decongestants.

?Full Guide on Natural Chest Infection Treatments ? ? ?


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Medicine and Respiratory Therapy are continuously changing practices. The information in this video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. For medical advice, please consult with a physician or qualified medical professional.


0:00 – Intro
0:59 – Try the Classic Lemon and Honey Solution
1:50 – Stay Hydrated
2:36 – Utilize Humidity and Steam Inhalation
3:32 – Try Herbal Remedies from the Ginger Family
4:25 – Use Natural Essential Oils
5:35 – Remove Mucus Through Postural Drainage
6:52 – Take Over-the-Counter Medications


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Tonsillitis: Home Remedies & Treatments By Dr Lalit Parashar at Apollo Spectra Hospitals

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5 Natural Remedies To Treat Vaginal Yeast Infection at Home | Yeast Infection | Femina Wellness

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Few health issues are as irritating (figuratively and literally) as yeast infections and in many instances, yeast infections are treated like the elephant in the women’s health room that nobody likes to talk about. However, vaginal yeast infections are extremely common and can often be treated with some simple ingredients that are available in your kitchen cabinet.
The Center for Disease Control in the US found that about 75% of women get at least one in their lifetime. These infections, although mostly harmless, can be very uncomfortable and frustrating.Yeast infection is characterized by itching, burning sensation, swelling around the affected area or possible vaginal discharge that has a thicker consistency than regular discharge.
But, at times you may also notice signs of rashes, redness or irritation that may or may not be accompanied by swelling.
It’s important to note that if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or diabetic, home remedies should be avoided and you should see a doctor to treat your infection.
To get your health back on track, we’ve rounded up some of the most effective home remedies that you can try.
Apple cider vinegar is borderline miraculous as it’s antifungal and helps restore the pH balance of your vagina. It also increases the growth of healthy bacteria that may help in curbing yeast production.
Apple cider vinegar can also be ingested by adding a tablespoon of it to a glass of water.
Coconut oil has a soothing effect on irritated and inflamed skin, and has antifungal properties to fight the infection-causing yeast.
Probiotic plain yoghurt contains healthy bacteria, lactobacillus, that helps fight the yeast.
Eating plain, we repeat, PLAIN, unflavoured yoghurt with no added sugars as a part of your daily diet can do wonders.
Aloe vera has several beneficial properties that can help cure yeast infections.
While pure aloe gel has antifungal properties, internal consumption can help increase white blood cells, which helps your body fight yeast from within.
You can safely drink aloe vera juice every day until you see improvement. Just add 2 teaspoons of fresh aloe gel to any fruit juice and blend it together.

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Swimmer’s Ear:
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First, what exactly is swimmer’s ear??
Swimmer’s ear occurs when water gets trapped in the ear and bacteria or fungus begins to breed. This causes inflammation, irritation, and infection. Ouch!

The condition is called swimmer’s ear, because it typically happens after being in the pool or swimming in a lake or ocean. So, you don’t have to worry about a little water getting in your ear during a bath or shower.

Ear pain is the number one sign of swimmer’s ear. In fact, just touching the ear may be painful. Other signs of this condition include itching, a feeling that the ear is blocked or full, fever, having trouble hearing, redness, and even jaw pain or swollen lymph nodes.

The good news? If caught early, swimmer’s ear can be easily treated.
Careful cleaning and some targeted natural remedies can really do the trick. But, I am not a medical professional so always check in with your doctor before trying these at home

Do know that some cases of swimmer’s ear are stubborn and more severe… and in those cases, you will need antibiotics. Call your doctor if ear pain becomes bad or if symptoms persist for more than 5 to 7 days.

Thanks so much for watching this video. Be sure to subscribe to my channel. And if you want more healthy living tips and tricks sent straight to your inbox each week, head on over to my website to subscribe to my newsletter called Three Things for Thursday.

I share the latest and greatest health hacks and parenting tips to help you and your family live healthy, happy and more natural lives.

Catch you next time!


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The human urinary system comprises of a pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, the bladder and the urethra that perform the basic functions of the body like filtering your blood , urine formation and blood pressure regulation.
Infection of any part of the urinary system is known as Urinary tract infection or UTI
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a very common and painful human illness.
In the United States only , urinary tract infections account for nearly seven million office visits, 1 million emergency department visits, and 100,000 hospitalizations every year. The cost of these infections is significant both in terms of time lost at work and cost of medical care.
Even Hippocrates,( who is considered as the father of medicine)
wrote about this disease that appears to be a type of Urinary tract infection, and wrote that the illness could last for a year before it resolved or eventually worsened to involve the kidneys
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Natural At-Home Remedies : How to Treat Bronchitis Without Antibiotics

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The early stages of bronchitis can easily be treated with herbal remedies. Prepare the perfect decoction with the helpful tips provided by an expert herbalist in this free video on how to treat bronchitis without antibiotics.

Bio: Acupuncture physician and registered herbalist Robert Linde has studied herbs since 1975 and has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than six years.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Series Description: Many common ailments can be treated with ingredients found in the home. Learn how to treat these ailments in a natural and affordable way with the helpful advice from an expert herbalist in this free video series on natural at home remedies.

Melasma is a common condition in women of coloured skin who have brown skin and this is an increased pigmentation which is classically seen in the mid face area, on the cheeks, on the bridge of the nose, it can extend to the forehead, to the chin and it can even occur on the arms. This is a condition which distresses most woman because it pigments the face and it is disfiguring for them. They would do anything to get it better. But when you look at the origin of melasma it is a combination of sun exposure, familial inheritance type, stress, exposure to too much heat, not eating enough antioxidants like brightly coloured fruits and vegetables. So when you have these things which are causing this a home remedy may not be a correct solution. But using a good sunscreen and using it religiously helps in lightening it out. So even if you are indoors or outdoors use your sunscreen. Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables especially tomatoes, carrots, figs, pomegranates, papayas these have got a lot of lycopenes, beta carotenoids, bioflavanoids which are all antioxidants. They help to brighten out the skin. Using products may actually be harmful to the skin because these have little bit of chemicals in them like lemon has citric acid. So when you put such things on the skin they actually dry out the skin. They make the skin more sensitive and the melasma which is an inflammatory disorder may actually become worse. So if you are not getting better by doing a simple sunscreen and eating a healthy diet. They can advice you on chemical peels or treatments or tablets which will help to keep the melasma in check.

How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples

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Acne spots popping up may be out of our control but driving them away overnight is something you can still manage! Dive into your kitchen for these affordable and widely available ingredients for these super simple DIYs!

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Click on this link for additional information on tackling acne!

Glamrs is the first Indian makeup, beauty, style, fitness and lifestyle video platform for women. Tune in daily for the latest and trendy makeup tips, healthcare, fashion ideas, nail art, daily life hacks, interesting DIY videos and much more.

Our team of beauty, style, fitness and health experts brings you the best advice, tips, tricks and home remedies so you are always in-the-know, through quick videos that you can easily watch on your phone.

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Are natural remedies a suitable alternative for science-based medicine?

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The Australia government is set to remove private health insurance rebates from a number of natural therapies – including homeopathy, herbalism and yoga.

But should people have the option to use these therapies if they so choose?

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Find out how to apply band-aids and elastic bandages correctly. How to create an arm sling in case of arm injury, cure the minor cuts using vaseline and bruises as fast as possible, securely fix an open wound, make gauze bandage, get rid of migraine and whatnot!Stay safe and sound!

I’ll also show you how to cure congestion, cold sore, sore throat, cough and common cold at the early stages. 😉


8:14 Awfully dangerous first aid mistakes
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The common causes of sore throat are viral,bacterial,fungal,smoking,shouting and the allergies. Shouting is when our using vocal cords too much and also you have sour throat ,the other may be due to the natural remedies also. The best remedy for sour throat is hot water mixed with pinch of salt and take a gargle. Gargling hot salt water is the best remedy for sour throat unless it is with systematic disease. Sometimes you can add turmeric also to it. Hot water plus honey can also be used for drinking purpose at the same time you can use spice mix tea like add black pepper little salt, honey to hot water with turmeric. This natural remedy you keep drinking instantly. Even fennel seeds is very good. Apart from these natural drinks you can take a towel dip it in hot water and keep it on your neck part. Certain fruits are very good for sour throat, fumes of essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus or even jasmine oil the fumes are really good. Other thing is if smoking is too much you must avoid smoking. About aahar avoid oily spicy food.
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How To Get Rid Of Constipation Immediately | Constipation Home Remedies | Home Remedies With Upasana

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Learn How To Get Rid Of Constipation Immediately. Make these simple Constipation Home Remedies With Upasana only on Mind Body Soul and share your expeience with us in the comments section below.

Remedey 1:-

4 Dried Plums or ¼ cup Raisins
½ tsp. Castor Oil
¼ cup Hot Water

In a bowl, mix dried plums, castor oil and soak in hot water for 10-15 minutes and then mash it.

Remedy 2:-

1 Ginger
Mint Leaves

Grate the ginger in a vessel and mint leaves to it. Then pour 1 cup water. Heat all this for 10 minutes.

Home Remedy Expert: Upasana Shukla
Director: Suchandra Basu
Camera: Kawaldeep Singh Jangwal, Pratik Gamre, Spandan Rout, Akshay Sawant
Editing: Kishor Rai
Creative Head: Kavya Krishnaswamy
Producer: Rajjat A. Barjatya
Copyrights: Rajshri Entertainment Private Limited

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Natural remedies that can help women get pregnant

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Andrea Piunno takes a closer look at natural remedies that can help women get pregnant.
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